Sunday, March 16, 2008


Trust is everything in doing business. It seems to make or break companines and people. How can you build trust in your own abilities and in your company?

I think we all understand and agree that building and maintaining trust is one of the most fundamental components to building and a reputation of respect. If you are successful at the individual level of being trustworthy then you are opening many doors of opportunity.
This past week there was a huge and shocking story about Eloit Spitzer who held a position of power that commanded a lot of respect and trust - but he was caught in a scandal. Here is someone that was put into a position to stop corruption, but in the end gets caught committing it himself. I believe that he did do the right thing by stepping down and admitting that his personal affairs should not get in the way of what is better for the people. One wrong act can take everything that you work so hard to build up away in an instant. How can he ever gain his trust and reputation back?

In the reading this week there is a chapter on motivation. What drives us to do what we do and what is our reward? I think that there is an interesting relationship between trust and motivation. If we are motivated to accomplish and achieve then we instill a deeper sense of trust. This trust is not only magnified in our own perception of who we are and our abilities, but it is also something that our peers observe and know you as a person they can trust.

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