Sunday, March 16, 2008

Moral values and organizational culture

What moral values are embodied in your organizational culture?

At Authorize.Net moral values really blend into the culture of personal accountability. Each person has an obligation to commit to excellence and follow through with their task at hand. Today, I was in a group setting and the discussion turned to the subject of accountability and how in our society this is becoming less and less critical. If you were to look back in history, let’s say 100 years ago, if someone gave you their word, they would feel a moral obligation to live up to their word. It is important for us as a society to never forget the importance of accountability and to not “pass the buck” or play the blame game. Respect what you know you need to do, and get it done the right way.

What is the impact of these values on the conduct of your organization?

The impact that personal accountability has at Authorize.Net is absolutely essential for progress. Something that I think about a lot when it comes to accountability is “how do I want to be recognized by others, a go-getter or a procrastinator?”….I would like to be seen as a go-getter. Proactive attitudes drive the company forward.

Is the impact good or bad for the organization?

The impact in this case is great for the organization. There are so many great people that I work with that I learn from on a daily basis just by observing what they do and how they handle situations.

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