Monday, March 17, 2008

Force, Feelings, and Freebies

Joshua said “I have noticed at least three, maybe not so obvious, factors or elements that influence individual behavior. They are: Force, Feelings, and Freebies.”

It is interesting to see how these factors are essentially independent yet fundamentally related. Force in the sense that it is an applied mechanism to bring about an action or an expected outcome to produce a result. Feelings relate in that if there was no feeling associated with the force applied then the force could have no effect on the individual and therefore would be useless. And on the flip side, the sense of feeling is a motivation to change behavior. If the individual does something and is rewarded, they feel good and if they are a normal person they would want to reproduce the good feeling by repeating the act to promote more good feelings. Freebies are interesting because everyone wants to get something of value for hard work and their efforts. The thing that I have noticed about freebies is that something as simple as a freebie or reward for recognition creates happiness and motivation. I agree that these not so obvious elements do influence individual and even organizational behavior.

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